The Olivier Bailly case is a perfect example of the injustice that is paradoxically called “Justice” in France.
For a start, we have Dupond-Moretti, the current Minister of Justice, who terrorised a 7 year old girl so much that she ended up urinating on herself out of fear during the cross-examination of child victims in the Outreau paedocriminal case, when he was a lawyer. Yet he had sworn in a TV interview that he would never go into politics and that it was, in his words, an absurd idea. Some would say that most politicians lie trough their teeth…
Still, he is largely blamed for having protected the paedocriminals in the Outreau case.
Olivier Bailly, is a 56 year old ex-magistrate from Dijon, a children’s judge and a fan of libertine relationships, who via swinger sites offered Internet users to force his 12 year old daughter to have sexual intercourse, or even to commit sexual assaults on her, between October 2019 and June 2020.
It was a user of the consenting adults dating site who reported to the administrator that a man was proposing that his 12-year-old daughter be involved in sex acts. The website immediately reported this to the courts. The case was then moved to Besançon, where the public prosecutor’s office opened a judicial investigation for corruption of a minor under the age of 15.
Thanks to the investigating magistrate’s benevolence, his wife, also a magistrate in Dijon and fond of swinging parties, was immediately exonerated, without further consequences, even though several people reported that the messages had come from both the father and mother.
He was initially sentenced to two years in prison, including a one year suspended sentence, and to a ten year ban on any professional or voluntary activity involving regular contact with minors.
The sentence already seemed light, but was “justified” by the fact that he did not carry out his act.
Indeed, the first vice-president of the Dijon judicial court stated that this was purely a matter of “fantasy” and that no action had been taken. The facts were however punishable by seven years in prison.
His lawyer, Pauline Neveu, produced a medical certificate attesting to a “very precarious state of health on the psychological level, incompatible with a court appearance” during his trial.
The Besançon Criminal Court has just overturned the initial ruling. The former judge has now only been handed down a two-year suspended sentence, and still retains custody of his daughter and his other two children…
French actress Alexandra Lamy took up on her social networks the words of Andrea Bescond, an activist for children’s rights: “You were a judge for children. You offered to men to rape your 12 year old daughter on swinger websites. You were sentenced to two years in prison, one of which was a suspended sentence. You appealed because you know how it works. So you went home with your little electronic bracelet. How cool is it to be French and to be a former magistrate, Olivier Bailly? “
She then recalls the sordid facts: “As a reminder, 1% of rapists are convicted in France. PS: Bailly, the magistrate who offered to men that they rape his twelve year old daughter on a swinger website was convicted but in the end, he will only get a suspended sentence… here you go. You don’t get burned by colleagues. He wrote on the site: ‘You’ll force her’. He suggested that she be ‘humiliated’, that they urinate on her, that they do it ‘as a gang’, or even that they put her in ‘a paedo network ‘. Vive la France!”
Article related to Alexandra Lamy (in French):
One can also recall the petition published by the newspapers “Le Monde” and “Libération” in France in January 1977, defending sexual relations between adults and children.
It was signed by Simone de Beauvoir, Louis Aragon, Roland Barthes, Jack Lang and Bernard Kouchner. The French elite, “The French crème de la crème”…
The author is the paedocriminal writer Gabriel Matzneff, who writes about his sexual relations with children in his books and, via the media, is perceived as a great intellectual. The TV channels received him on their sets without any problem and let him tell his ‘romantic stories’ with children.
Vanessa Springora, one of his former victims and also a publisher, has published a book entitled ‘Le consentement’. In it, she recounts her traumatic relationship with Gabriel Matzneff, when she was 14 and he was 50. He is still at large, as is Jack Lang, who has been repeatedly accused in the Coral affair (also known as the “place of life affair”, it is a case of sexual abuse of minors that broke out in France in 1982).
Jack Lang has been a minister in several governments, has held the portfolios of Culture and National Education several times and has also been government spokesperson. He is incidentally close to President Emmanuel Macron, as is Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who declared on television in 1982 in the programme “Apostrophes”: “When a little girl, 5 years old, starts to undress you, it’s fantastic!
Jack Lang also took part in the launch of the “Fête de la musique”… on the 21st of June, as this date corresponds to one of the biggest paedocriminal festivals.
This afternoon, I was talking to a person who was the victim of paedocriminal acts by a high ranking colonel of the gendarmerie, who won his case and was therefore not convicted because, at the time, he was protected by a woman Minister who defended him.
I advised her to put her testimony on paper, as an outlet, so that I could share it on social networks and also on this site.
The upside today is that all the victims are fed up with keeping silent and the pressure cooker is really about to explode…