I dedicate this article on human trafficking to the documentary by the journalist Elise Lucet “Child rape: the end of silence?”, because it is the first time in France that a journalist has had the courage to speak publicly about pedocriminality. It is the reference documentary on the subject.
Elise Lucet investigated with journalists Pascale Justice, Stéphane Taponier and Cécile Toulec for three years on this taboo subject, following the story of siblings Pierre (born in 1989) and Marie (born in 1986). Their names were changed in the documentary to preserve their anonymity. In this documentary, Elise Lucet revealed the existence of a pedocriminal network, allegedly protected by the highest levels of French justice and politics. After its broadcast in the late 1990s, she and her team received numerous death threats and all the videos of this report were completely censored from the Net. It can be found on sites, regularly closed or on some links, like the one at the end of this article. If this video is posted on YouTube, it disappears within 24 hours.
The first father-daughter confrontation took place without Marie’s lawyer, Maître Catherine Lardon-Galeote, on March 5th 1997. The child was asked to position herself in front of her father in an explicit manner, representing a scene of abuse that the child had described. During this confrontation, the child was called a liar by a court-appointed lawyer, since the child’s lawyer had not been informed of the confrontation.
The father was indicted the next day. The court authorised him to see his children again one month after his indictment. In April 1998, the investigating judge confronted the father and children again, in the presence of a lawyer chosen by the court, Maître Patricia Guertzon-Blimbaum. According to Marie, the judge had omitted to record elements to which she had testified, and her lawyer had said nothing, and had even advised her to drop the case because otherwise the justice system would bother her again with the procedures. According to Philippe Mazet, head of the child psychiatry department at the Salpêtrière hospital, who will not be heard by the court, the children’s testimony was credible.
It was the children’s mother who appealed to the court, but on November 30th 1998, the examining magistrate ordered the dismissal of the case. Despite an appeal against this decision and the testimony of another little girl, who confirmed the testimony of Pierre and Marie, the appeal was rejected on May 6th 1999. It was the grandparents on the father’s side of this other child (named Sylvie in the report) who had taken her to the same “parties” as Pierre and Marie. The latter recognised Sylvie’s abusers on photos, who herself recognised Pierre and Marie’s abusers on photos, in the premises of the CIDE (Association “International Committee for the Dignity of the Child).
The indictment of Pierre and Marie’s father was lifted and custody of the children was restored to him. Their mother then fled abroad with them, as did Sylvie’s mother, who fled with her child after the court decided to give custody to the father.

A debate took place at the end of the programme, moderated by Elise Lucet. It included : the socialist deputy and former Minister of Youth and Sports, Frédérique Bredin, the family therapist Martine Nisse, the police commissioner Jean-Yves Leguennec, Martine Bouillon (deputy public prosecutor in Bobigny, author of the book “Viol d’anges” (Angel rapes ), published in 1997 by Calmann-Lévy, administrator of the association La Voix de l’enfant and mother of 24 children), Georges Glatz, deputy to the Grand Council of the canton of Vaud and delegate of the CIDE (International Committee for the Dignity of the Child). He and his association supported the appeal of Pierre and Marie’s mother. He talked about the Zandvoort case. He explained part of the lucrative economy of these pedocriminal networks, mentioning snuff movies on DVD, featuring children being raped and killed, that were sold for 20,000 Swiss francs a piece under the table.
Martine Bouillon said that she had heard of mass graves in the Paris region in Seine-et-Marne and that we would soon be hearing a lot about them.
The next day, the switchboard of France 3 (the channel that broadcasted the programme) was besieged with calls from alarmed parents. The same day, the judicial authorities and the Minister of Justice, Elisabeth Guigou, denied Martine Bouillon’s comments about the existence of a judicial investigation into the discovery of a mass graves of children in Seine-et-Marne. All the public prosecutors’ offices in the Île-de-France region also formally denied this information.
Martine Bouillon was immediately transferred to Amiens and this confidence has cost her her career. This woman, who adopted 10 children of Asian origin and took in 14 others in a home she created for this purpose, confided the following words to a contact of someone close to Pierre Mazet (who digitised the documentary before it was completely buried): “I cannot say any more. It’s about my life.”
The high magistrate who gave him the transfer order was called Michel Joubrel. He was later indicted for child pornography… According to the investigators, some of the 10,000 to 15,000 items seized from Joubrel’s personal belongings were “borderline”. The members of the network exchanged photos of children rapes, babies under two years old, or teenagers involved in sexual acts with adults. The former deputy prosecutor at the Versailles Court of Appeal, who transferred Martine Bouillon in an emergency, will be found guilty and sentenced to 8 months’ suspended imprisonment and a fine of only 1000 euros.

The renowned journalist Elise Lucet will thereafter only rarely speak of this report and will then refuse any reference to this subject, after the death of her husband at the age of 43 in 2011, as a result of leukaemia.
When the Epstein case broke in the United States in 2019, Emmanuel Macron would have asked to bury this report deep in the archives of the INA (Institut national de l’audiovisuel – National Audiovisual Institute), making it unusable and indefeasible. A persistent rumour provides an explanation for this act: the lawyer of the father, whom the children accused of raping them and taking them to “ritual parties”, is called Monique Smadja-Epstein and looks very much like Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey and Monique are said to be related, and it was therefore necessary to avoid the link between the two cases at all costs.(Photos below, before the link to the report with English subtitles.)
Monique Smadja-Epstein calls the children liars in this documentary, claiming that what they say is the result of their imagination and the influence of comic books such as Tintin. (The children reveal pedo-satanic rites.)

Emmanuel Macron was accused in 2021 by an African father of raping and torturing his two children with the King of Spain, to the deafening silence of the media. (It is important to point out that of all the presidents the country has known, Macron is the one who has given the most millions to the media. In other words, in France, it is HIS media. The McKinsey affair, for example, which should have made a big splash, was totally minimised, or even passed over in silence by the media).
As soon as a video about these accusations appears on YouTube, it is immediately censored.
A complaint was reportedly filed with the international court the day before Macron was slapped by a young man. The media only talked about this in a loop in the news…
I will ignore all the persistent rumours about his “wife” Brigitte.
Here is the report “Child rape: the end of silence?”. I warn sensitive souls that this report is not easy to listen to and to see. But turning a blind eye to this scourge is not the solution either if one wants to put an end to it.
It is by communicating and sharing all this information that we will succeed. If they were fully aware of this, people around the world would never tolerate all these crimes and those who commit them or cover them up, are often in charge of the ship. In this information war, we therefore have an important role to play in disseminating information and also in supporting those who have been fighting the networks for so long.
Documentary :